"ELCOR" Laboratories for research in the field of Electrochemistry and Corrosion,
University "POLITEHNICA" of Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry

ELCOR Laboratories were founded in october 2000 in the frame of the CNCSIS (National Council of the Universitary Scientific Research) grant financed by World Bank, entitled: "ELCOR Programme for promoting of applied interdisciplinary research in electrochemistry and corrosion by doctoral studies".

Location: "Polizu" site of University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, buildings E, F and L. Mail address: Calea Grivitei 132, 78122-Bucharest, Romania.

Contact person: prof. Teodor Visan, director of ELCOR grant, tel.(+4)021 2129952 /extension 3855, 3977; (+4) 0722371083, fax: (+4)021 3154193; e-mail: t_visan@chim.upb.ro

Laboratories and members:

  1. Electrochemical Studies and Corrosion Group (prof.dr.eng. Teodora Badea, prof.dr.eng. Maria Nicola, 2 assist.prof.);
  2. Organic Electrochemistry Group (prof.dr.eng. Eleonora Mihaela Ungureanu, 1 eng.);
  3. Electrochemical Characterisation of Material in Specific Media, including Bioliquids Group (prof.dr. Ioana Demetrescu, head of General Chemistry Dept., dr. Belarisa Popescu, 3 assist.prof., 1 Ph.D.student);
  4. Electrochemical Methods used in Electrochemistry and Corrosion Group (prof.dr.eng. Teodor Visan, head of Appl.Phys.Chem.& Electrochem. Dept., 2 lecturers, 2 Ph.D.students);
  5. Electrode Processes in Electrochemistry and Corrosion with Various Applications Group (prof.dr. Ioan Viorel Branzoi, 1 assist.prof., 2 Ph.D.students);
  6. "ELMIN" (Electrochemical Miniaturisation) Research Group (Dr. Danut Ionel Vaireanu, 3 graduated students).

A series of Ph.D. students (part time), students at master program in Electrochemistry and Corrosion (about 7-8 every academic year) and graduated students (4-5) are involved in activities of ELCOR Lab. Until now, 12 Ph.D. students have defended their theses under the supervisors: prof. T.Visan (11) and prof. I.V.Branzoi (1).

Six ELCOR members are active members of Int.Soc. of Electrochemistry (ISE); there are also members of The Electrochemical Society, USA (2), The Royal Society - Analytical and Electrochem. Div., UK (1), European Comission of Corrosion (1), Romanian Chem. Soc. (12) and Romanian Soc. of Chemical Engineers (8).

Photo 1. Experimental set-up for cyclic voltammetry (Sycopel potentiostat, RDE -BAS) used by Grups 2 and 4 in the Dept. of Applied Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry.

Experimental facilities:

Electrochemical equipment: 3 PAR Model 173 (USA) potentiostats, a Sycopel Scientific potentiostat (UK), all connected at PC's; RDE electrode (Bioanalytical Syst.,USA); device for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (TFA 2000 type, Sycopel Scientific, UK); pH-meter and conductivity-meter (Model 220, Denver Instrument, SUA); automatic titrimeter (Metrohm E 436), Wayne-Kerr impedance bridge; dry box (home made). Determinations: polarization curves in potentiostatic / galvanostatic and potentiodynamic conditions, cyclic voltammetry and EIS (Nyquist and Bode) experiments, preparative electrolyses, electrodeposition and corrosion studies, conducting polymers, batteries, electrochemical sensors.

Research interest of Groups:

Photo 2. Electrochemical equipment containing potentiostat /galvanostat (PAR Model 173) -used by the Group 5 in Dept. of Applied Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry.

  • - Group 1: cyclic voltammetry studies in the pollution abatement and monitoring, polluant degrading, anodic dissolution and passivation of various metallic materials (Ni, Cd, Zn, alloys, steel), protective organic coatings, inhibitors;
  • - Group 2: kinetics and mechanisms of electrochemical processes involving organic compounds, ions and ion radicals, organic electrosynthesis, molecular recognition;
  • - Group 3: thin (passive) layers on metallic substrates, biomaterials for implants, organic protective coatings, posibilities to perform AFM microscopy;
  • - Group 4: electrochemical instrumentation used in investigations of aqueous, non-aqueous and molten salts electrolytes, mass transport studies, cyclic voltammetry and EIS studies in electrode kinetics, electrodeposition of semiconductor thermoelectric films, conversion coatings on Al, batteries (Pb/acid, melts), electrochemical sensors;
  • - Group 5: corrosion and corrosion protection (Al in various media, steel in petroleum industry, inhibitors), polymer electrochemistry including enzyme entrapping, polypyrrole films.
  • - Group 6 (ELMIN): miniaturisation in connection with flow injection systems, disposable sensors for biochemical applications, electrochemical minireactor for pollution abatement and on-line electrochemical systems for pollution monitoring, effluent contamination monitoring by virtual intruments.

  • Photo 3. An experimental set-up containing the potentiostat / galvanostat (P.A.R. Model 173) connected to PC computer, used by the Group 3 in the Dept. of General Chemistry.

    Recent results and activities:

    "ELCOR" Laboratories have been involved as main organizer of the 2nd International Symposium "Electrochemistry - a Frontier Field of Theoretical and Practical Interest, ELFI-2", held in University "Politehnica" Bucharest, September 13-15, 2001, where the ELCOR members have presented 17 lectures, oral communications and posters (140-total number of papers).Many scientific papers are currently published in recognized Romanian Journals, such as: Revue Roumaine de Chimie, Roum.Chem.Quarterly Revue, Rev.Chim., UPB Scientific Bulletin, other university and scientific journals. More than 20 research grants and contracts (especially under the frame of national research programmes) have contributed to the financial coverage of ELCOR research groups, during the last two years.

    Participation at the international scientific life is illustrated as following:

    Photo 4. Equipment for EIS experiments (Sycopel Scientific TFA 2000) and pH-meter conductometer (Denver Instrument Model 220) - Group 4 in Dept. of Applied Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

    Some examples of recent papers and books:

    1. J.-C.Moutet, E.Saint-Aman, E.M.Ungureanu et al, Heterodinucleating macrocyclic compounds designed for electrochemical recognition, Electrochimica Acta, 46, 2733-2740, 2001;
    2. N.Ibris, J.-C.Mirza-Rosca, A.Santana, T.Visan, Comparative EIS study of a paste electrode containing zinc powder in neutral and near neutral solutions, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 6, 219-225, 2002;
    3. V.Branzoi, F.Branzoi, F.Golgovici, The influence of different aggressive anions on the electrochemical behaviour of aluminium in NaNO3 aqueous solutions, Materials and Corrosion, 51,635-641,2000;
    4. J.-C.Mirza Rosca, N.Ibris, M.Valles, A.Santana Lopez, T.Visan, Corrosion atmosferica, Serv.de Reprografia y Encuadernacion, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Spain, 2000;
    5. I.Demetrescu, B.Popescu, General Chemistry (in romanian), Bren Publ.House, Bucharest, 2000.

    Scientific collaborations:

    Photo 5. Electrochemical measurements set-up consisting in potentiostat / galvanostat (PAR Model 173) -Group 5 in Dept. of Applied Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry